1. Only registered conference participants can earn professional hours/CEUs
  2. Document the session verification code(s) for each session you attend. For your convenience, we included a “Verification Code Worksheet” to help you track all the codes for each event. For the Speaker Series, codes will be provided for each individual speaker. You will need these codes to complete the PennABA Attendance Verification and CE Form at the conclusion of the conference.
  3. Submit PennABA Conference Attendance Verification and CE Form by FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2023.
    You only need to submit the attendance verification one time, after you have collected all of your verification codes. You will need to have your BACB Certification ID number and verification code(s) provided throughout the conference before filling out the google form. You have the opportunity to provide feedback/evaluation of the event. You will receive email confirmation verifying the receipt of your response. This is the only way to receive a certificate of attendance and CEUs.
  4. A PennABA certificate of attendance and CEUs will be emailed upon verification that all requirements were completed no later than November 27, 2023. To receive continuing education units (CEUs) from this event, you must accurately complete and submit the CE form. You will be required to enter the code provided to you during the session(s). Participants are responsible for entering information from the Conference into their BACB account.