AM Workshop Option 1

 Getting the Best: Qualities of Effective Behavioral Supervision
Dr. Jonathan Ivy, Ph.D., BCBA-D

Abstract: The preponderance of behavioral services are delivered in a tiered model, in which a masters levels behavior analyst (e.g., Board Certified Behavior Analyst) develops the interventions and programs implemented by a behavioral technician (e.g., Registered Behavior Technician). Although the tiered model of service delivery is efficient, the effectiveness of behavioral programming is largely influenced by the behavior of the technician. This workshop will explore the evidence-based methods to get the best of staff performance. The presenter will discuss the qualities of effective behavioral supervision, which serve to guide supervisory behavior. Finally, considerations for supervising behavior analysts in training will be provided.

Audience: Master’s level behavior analysts or supervisors in training (e.g., graduate students).
Credit: 3 Supervision CEUs
Learning Objectives:

  • Describe the existential threats to quality supervision.
  • Describe the qualities of effective behavioral supervision.
  • Define behavioral supervision, as compared to other models of supervision.
  • Apply behavioral supervision practices to address/correct common supervision challenges/problems.


AM Workshop Option 2

Teaching Verbal Behavior to Children with Developmental Disabilities
 Dr. Mirela Cengher, Ph.D., BCBA-D

Abstract: Some argued that language is too complex to be explained by an operant conditioning account. Skinner challenged this assumption in Verbal Behavior (1957); however, the book was largely an exercise in interpretation and lacked direct experimental data. Since then, a growing body of research not only supported Skinner’s interpretation but helped further refine our conceptual understanding of verbal behavior. This research has been instrumental in developing effective procedures to teach verbal behavior to children with developmental disabilities, who typically have language delays. The purpose of this workshop is to overview such recent research. The central theme is the developmental sequencing of instruction that promotes learning along the simple-to-complex continuum.

Credit: 3 Learning CEUs

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the role of the speaker and the listener. Understand what a verbal episode is. 
  • Define and provide examples of listener behavior, echoics, mands, tacts, intraverbals, transcripts, and textual. 
  • Articulate the advantages of a functional account of language development.
  • Be familiar with research on the functional independence of verbal operants.
  • Know different procedures used for teaching verbal behavior. 
  • Become familiar with research on naming. 
  • Discuss the implications of derived stimulus relations research for teaching language.


PM Workshop Option 1

The Taxonomy of Learning and Instruction Design
r. Rick Kubina, Ph.D., BCBA-D

Abstract: Instructional design (ID) refers to the careful planning, design, development, and delivery of instruction to result in effective, efficient, and engaging learning. The field of ID has general principles that, when applied, can result in programs and curricula that promote robust learning sequences. Behavior analysis has a history in ID that began with Skinner and saw incredible contributions from several designers. Susan Markle represents a significant figure in ID who began with behavioral analytic principles and made substantial contributions. The taxonomy of learning offered by Markle and her colleague Tiemann provides order to the messiness of real-world instruction. The taxonomy guides practitioners and suggests an organizing structure for addressing all instruction. Behavior analysts should have a foundational knowledge of instructional design and how the taxonomy plays a critical role in designing simple and complex learning programs. The following presentation will briefly introduce instructional design and demonstrate the connection to all programming. The hands-on presentation will teach the taxonomy of learning as a framework for creating sound, efficient instruction.

Credit: 3 Learning CEUs
Learning Objectives:

  • Participants will define three categories of learning in the taxonomy of learning.
  • Participants will discriminate correct instructional strategies based on the proper type of learning.
  • Participants will state how concepts, principles, and strategies affect instructional design.



PM Workshop Option 2

Best Practices and Ethics in Competency-Based BACB Supervision for Functional Behavior Assessment
 Dr. Tracy Kettering, Ph.D., BCBA-D


The Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts (2020) not only requires that Behavior Analysts design and implement supervision and training procedures that are evidence based, but also that they collect data and monitor performance of supervisees and evaluate the effects of their own supervision. A recent survey of BCBAs (Hajiaghamohseni et al., 2020) regarding their supervision behaviors found that on average respondents were only sometimes engaging in behaviors that support compliance with this part of the BACB code. Competency-based supervision includes establishing a predetermined mastery criterion with specific skills, systematically teaching new skills using behavioral skills training, and assessing supervisee’s performance on an ongoing basis (Sellers et al., 2016; Turner et al., 2016). When applying competency-based supervision to the training of FBA components, there are many skills that need to be targeted, including the selection of assessments, conducting interviews, analyzing indirect assessment or direct observation data, creating visual displays of FBA information, synthesizing multiple FBA components to develop clear hypotheses, and report writing. 

This workshop will begin with a discussion of competency-based supervision, the Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts (2020) related to supervision, and best practices for teaching behavior analytic clinical skills, specifically applied to Section F (Behavior Assessment) of the 5th Edition BACB Task List (2019). A sample curriculum for teaching FBA component skills will be shared and activities that can be used to teach and monitor competency with specific FBA components will be demonstrated (e.g., synthesizing and graphing data from an ABC data sheet, scoring and reporting indirect FBA rating scales, creating scatterplots using Microsoft Excel). The sample will include learning objectives for each activity, detailed instructions and materials required for completion, and a guide for supervision discussions related to that skill. We will then focus on the importance of measurement of competency to evaluate the outcomes of supervision. For those attendees interested, access to sample resources will be provided. BACB Supervision and Ethics CEUs will be provided.

Credit: 1 Ethics CEU + 2 Supervision CEUs

Learning Objectives:

  • Participants will identify supervision and training skills that are needed to meet the Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts 

  • Participants will be able to describe specific activities that they can use to train and evaluate competency with FBA components during supervised experience. 

  • Given a specific FBA competency, participants will be able to use resources provided to practice the skill and assess performance.